Sunday, 10 April 2011

The Plan

No major event this week, however training continued. The next big goal of mine is a 400k event at the end of the month. I have never cycled such a distance and just hope I can complete this goal. That is my plan!

Ran a couple of times this week. My first run was with SJ and Cody and we ran around Oversley Wood. This was a nice run and we completed 2 laps (aprox 5 miles) in under 45 mins. We were all pleased we had managed 2 laps. Doing this distance was a first for SJ. My next run didn't include Cody, but SJ came along. We ran a hilly off road track in Henley. This was a good run too, it was very sunny and an awesome day. Poor SJ was suffering with a cold though.

Was a good week on the weather front all round really. So good was the weather that Ron and I went out in shorts (as opposed to longs) on my first bike venture of the week. We started cycling the 'Ron's 1 hour loop' route but extended it at the end. The end was 'that undulating road' to Astwood Bank that I cycled during last weeks audax, the one with the short sharp climb at the end. After this climb it was an easy pedal back to Studley with a quick race up St Judes Avenue (hard to judge who reached the summit first). My second cycle was indoors on the rollers. I think I must be getting a little fitter as I am having to push harder gears to reach the desired heart range (Zone 3).
No long distance cycles this week. However, Audax UK reminded me of long distance events that I have done and posted me out several medals and cloth badges to add to my collection. Such awards included the Brevet 500 (for cycling 5 x 100k events last season), the Brevet 1,000 (for cycling 5 x 200k events this season), the Randonneur 500 (for riding Populaire events of 50k, 100k and 150k then going on to a 200k at Randonneur speed, all in one season) and the Randonneur 1,000 (for riding Populaire events of 100k, 200k and 300k all at Randonneur speed, topped up by more events totalling another 400k, this season).  I would like to add a Super Randonneur and Randonneur Road The Year award to this list by the end of the season - that is my plan.

Weekly Totals: Ran for 1 hour and 14 mins; Cycled 42 miles.

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