Sunday, 25 June 2017

Not the Ju-Ju Hounds

Lunar (not dancing to Izzy Stradlin' and the Ju Ju Hounds)
Started this week with a run in the wonderful sun. We've had great weather for a while now and lets hope it continues for a spell. Only ran a 5k trek cross country style which was my only run this week.

Completed 2 work and back commutes on my bike this week. The gears have started to slip just a little and maybe require a tighten but I'm not completely sure what to tighten. New 'hub gears' and all... The 2 days I cycled were still warm but much cooler than of late. On my last commute I picked up my new tent from the Post Office.
My new tent is further prep for my pending coast to coast adventure. This one is much lighter and more spacious than my Gelert solo, which I still consider to be rather good. I'm hoping I'll be brave enough to wild camp solo one time, but just for testers, I camped solo in the back garden. My sleep was on and off all night but I was pleased with the tent. If anyone knows why or what the 2 velcro strips are for on the tent door of a Terra Nova Laser Competition 1, please let me know - there doesn't appear to be velcro tabs elsewhere. My first real camp will be one day next month all being well.
Juliana Buhring
Talking of adventure... I read the wonderful book about Juliana's record breaking trip of her cycle around the world. She had even signed my copy of her book. How cool is that?! Her book was read within a week. Now with that book finished, I have ordered her first book for another read (about her time growing up in a cult rather than cycling across the world).
My 'training' for the week was completed with an open water swim at Ragley Lake. The rip in my wetsuit had re-opened from where I superglued it a few weeks back. Menace. Swim itself was ok though. Wow, finished the week with taking part in all 3 triathlon disciplines.

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Holidaze (Round and 'round and up and down)

Oh man, realised I hadn't blogged for a while so here follows a summary of past couple of weeks. Didn't have much to dance and shout about really. Save for the fact that I had a lovely holiday in the bright shiny weather with the family and all.
Anyways, managed to complete just 2 work and back commutes the week before my holidaze. The first commute was interesting as I spotted a baby adder on the ride. Didn't have my phone on me to take a picture so figured I'd drape snake over my bars and take a pic once home. This didn't work, poor snake soon fell off just missing my foot which kinda freaked me out. This was probably the 4th adder I've seen to date whilst riding my bike.
Not my adder but much like it
My next commute was a trifle menace - I punctured for the first time using my new machine 'Blue'. Thankfully, this was a front puncture so didn't require messing with my rear hub wheel geared complexity. I fixed the puncture with this spray stuff that I had gotten for my Iron Man event - it was very messy and looked like shaving foam but hey, it did the trick! A week on and the tyre remains inflated.

Had a real lazy hollibobs but did manage to run on 3 occasions. My first run was a 5k barefoot jaunt across the beach. The second run was super tough - I ran across the cliffs which was super undulating and the weather very hot. Only planned a 5k run but it was over 8k by the time I finished. Final run was again along the beach and stoney sections for a good 5k.
Bare foot run
Cliff top run
Hilly ain't it?!
Last Hollibobs run
The beach on which I ran and the sea we all dipped in!
Once back home, ran a couple of 5k cross country runs across the fields where I live. The nice weather had followed me. Aces!  
Still wish I was camping with these 3!

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Short blog about a man without a dog

This week started with a bank holiday - bonus! The weather wasn't so great though - boo! Went for a jolly good 5k run and felt the balance was just right.
1,500m around Ragley Lake
Tuesday was like 'the old days'... I managed one of my so called 'duathlon days' and took part in 2 sports. The first was a 5k run before work. The second was an open water (OW) swim. So pleased I swam, this was the first time in the water since completing my Iron Man event last year. Could only manage 1,500m (2 laps) and boy did my arms and shoulders ache. My wetsuit seemed to have shrunk too (I am a good 10kg heavier). But, aha, I swam!

Wednesday and Thursday were my cycle commute days. I played around with the return leg from work on both days and cycled more country lanes which was nice. On the Wednesday, I also managed a walk around the work lake.

Friday was another multisport day. Started with a 5k run around the village. Finished with my wife thrashing 3:2 when we played badminton.
Did little over the weekend. Well, did a lot of eating to be fair - including some super burgers cooked by the Mrs. On a healthier note, swam for a second time this week (and year) in Ragley Lake. Was a lot quieter than earlier in the week. Only covered 1,600m but that was enough for me.

Can I kick's it?!

Didn’t challenge myself so much this week. The weather was cold and my motivation was poor. No running until the weekend, deciding instead t...