Saturday, 22 December 2018

Tinsel and The TransAtlantic Way

Oh man, have blogged so little past month or so. This was because I had done little in the way of exercise, training, cycling, running and had no wild camping experiences to shout about. The usual bugs this time of year came and went and motivation took a dip. All was relatively pants. And then, wham, bang, out of nowhere the results for the TransAtlantic Way (TAW) race 2018 were published! Aces! This brought all the super memories of my best cycling experience this year straight back into my head-space. Check below, Jamie and I were official finishers! Woo hoo! Our initial plan was to finish within 12 days - we actually finished in less than 11 (not to mention 5 broken spokes and wild dog chases...).
Within the TransAtlantic Way race, there was another race going on. This was the bemoreMike challenge. The rider with the fastest accumulated time for racing up 5 mountainous sections wins. 
Only 56 riders completed this challenge. Some scratched and goodness knows what might happened to the others. I was very pleased with my overall position of 46/56. Amazing really, my first spoke broke before I reached the summit of the first climb.

So, so cool to reflect on the TAW experience. Really was an awesome ride and I'd love to complete something like this again. Jamie and I have already signed up for a 1,000k audax next year (and Toll too) and I so hope I don't hinder Jamie with any mechanicals this time...
The disappointment of cycling little and not wild camping are currently no big deal. I completed the TAW 2018 race man! The TAW is no longer a race either, so once again I'm super chuffed I raced it this year. I'm starting to feel a little motivated....

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