Sunday, 25 August 2019

August BAM

Woo Hoo! Completed another BAM (Bivvy-A-Month) and only have 4 months remaining until my challenge is complete.

Ron and Rob dog accompanied me on this August BAM. Better yet, Ben (Rob's son) came along too and made his debut to the wild camping world. Super cool.

Not everything was super cool though, oh no. All started well. The weather was tip-top, super warm and dry. We found a suitable destination spot without too much bother (secret coordinates: waltz.distorts.courier). Camp was set up without any major issue and Ron and I were to test out our new 'Outdoor Research Helium' bivy's. Then, 'ring ring', Rob took a call and had to leave camp to sort issues with his car alarm which was alarming the street where it was parked.

Couldn't let Rob dog go on his own, so I sped off with him. Sorted alarm, (further) sneaky pint at the Lark and back to base camp. The camp spot looked just awesome in the dark - so many stars in the night sky and a bright (not full) illuminated moon. We saw some shooting stars which is always great too.
After much socialising, listening to music, telling stories, cooking food, drinking 'pop' and sharing jokes we all fell asleep under the starry sky. I think we all slept relatively well. Ben was the only fella who didn't make noises snoring.
When morning came it was a super bright affair. The sun was starting to rise and it looked a brilliant day. Breakfast was soon cooked and devoured. Ron and I were able to provide feedback on our new bivy's.
Essentially, both Ron and I were 'disappointed' with our new bags. I suffered just a little condensation around the hooped hood and nothing worse. I've never had condensation issues before with any bivy that I have owned. My bag was roomy enough and the weight and pack size was amazing. Ron commented that 'the jury's out' and his bag did not perform great at all - his sleeping bag was wet. Ron preferred the more spacious army hooped bivy's we have camped in before but said as an ultra-light option this bag might suit. Hmm, so future camps? I think I will revert back to my army hooped bivy for local wild camps (where bulk and weight are not such an issue). I think (and hope) for long distance cycling my OR bivy will prove great and I will benefit from the minimal weight and pack size. Next week I plan to take it to Wales and try a further wild camp. I'm going on a long distance trip all being well and will not take a sleeping bag at all (to save weight) but will still take an air mat and silk liner. I also think that, perhaps, my PipeDream 200 Hydrophobic sleeping bag would suit this bivy better simply because of the condensation issues. I guess we will find out.

All in all, a great camp. Great company, great food, great views. A bike-packing, wild-camping, whisky-drinking, son-of-a-gun, has stories to tell!

Saturday, 10 August 2019

No Wham Bam but an August PAM

Struggled to get my mojo back since returning to work after my hollibobs. In fact, have only cycled once. Let's hope it comes back soon.
Managed to complete a ParkRun though, my 27th to date. This Arrow Valley ParkRun has ticked off August for my ParkRun-A-Month challenge leaving just another 4 months to go until (hopefully) my challenge is complete. I finished in a time of 23:46 (which was a little disappointing) and finished 48/333. It was nice to see Phil B run today (and his wife Anna made a debut too) along with Russell et al from Redditch Triathlon.

Monday, 5 August 2019

Hollibobs inc July PAM

Oh man! No blogging for a short while simply because I was on my hollibobs. Did little in the way of exercise (but I did complete a ParkRun) and gave my body and head-space a well deserved rest. Ok, ok, my body had to deal with the stresses of excess and sunburn..
Travelled down with Lunar and we were the first to arrive. We visited the George for a tasty meal and drinks. (Traveled back with Melody and we were the first home too).
Am hoping the photo's posted here re-create my holiday experience. Almost as soon as we were on hollibobs we visited the wonderful Jurassic Coast of Charmouth. Such a great place to be.
It didn't take long for me to burn my skin. Some say the 'lobster look' suited me. Ha!
In the upside down. Must have swam in the sea on at least 4 occasions. Swam out to the buoys (i.e. quite far) on 2 occasions. Sometimes the sea was hot (well warm) and sometimes not!
Fortunate I have such lovely parents. Someone forgot the tent poles. My parents came to the rescue and drove long and far to drop off said forgotten poles.
Was fun camping with cousin Aid and his kids (Millie and Tom). Great when Rob and his kids (Ben and Jo) rocked up too. Nice to briefly see my parents.
We had fun, day and night. SJ loved the fairy light. And, Melody would fall asleep alright.
Drinking. Chilling. Having fun.
The George was a great place to play. Great place to eat and drink too. One could even feed the goats.
Dogs at sea. Girls on beach. Ice cream in a tent.
Oh, the girls did play. The sun did shine. The boys washed up, most of the time.
Excrement of dog is good for your ills?! Dressing up was good for thrills. Ice cream was good for chills.
The cove in Seatown was a new delight. Walks on the left. Pub on the right.
The lover and I. I wore the same shirt on honeymoon. Ooh, how we like to swoon.
Rob dog entertained my kids. Jo and his tattooed knuckles entertained us all. All, except my mother that is!
The beaches were all so different but all so much fun. Melody created a friend called Rocky. Rocky was a rock.
Lyme Regis we liked so much. We'd been there lots before but had never walked in the park until this occasion. I think this was the first time we sat on the pebbled side of the beach too.
Chess was amazing. We played both 2 and 3 player versions. Certainly brought out folks personalities!
The beautiful SJ. Soaking up the sun. Got to give it to her, she was a lot of fun.
Told SJ that I didn't want to leave. She nearly put pay to that! Is not a great feeling being buried alive.
I think Melody Moo would have been happy to stay here too. Holidays are so great, always so much to do. When one had to leave, we gave a silent boo!
Seaton ParkRun, 5k
Oh, and of course it was great to actually complete July's ParkRun challenge (month 7 of my ParkRun-A-Month challenge). I ran the Seaton ParkRun which was my 26th ParkRun to date. I finished with a time of 24:31 and was in 54th place out of a field of 290. Pretty naff time considering the course was flat, but hey, am keeping up with my challenge!

Can I kick's it?!

Didn’t challenge myself so much this week. The weather was cold and my motivation was poor. No running until the weekend, deciding instead t...