Sunday, 13 March 2016

Week 19

This week started just like the last one ended. That's right, this week kicked off with a cycle commute into work and back. Certainly had my monies worth out of Jenny, my Genesis single-speed cyclo-cross bike.
Is it too early for the Easter bunny?
Tuesday was great mentally but pants physically. Physically no training took place. Today was a long work based trip to York and back via train. Mentally it was great because it reminded me of my Audax Arrow adventure. On said adventure, my mates Chris, Ron, Jamie Andy and I cycled about 420k in 24 hours to reach this wonderful destination of York. Travelling along the same roads we cycled just flooded my heads with thoughts of cycling, adventure and friendship.
Andrew, Jamie, Doo, Ron and Chris chilling out on Easter Arrow 2014
We really should do an adventure like that again. Yeah, it's hard, mad and tough. But for the fun, camaraderie and memories it's definitely worth it. 

Wednesday was a non-training day. I was at work 9-9 and couldn't even run there because my day started with an urgent care meeting that required me taking my car. Too late after work to do anything but sleep.

Thursday was a wee bit menace. I was denied my day off as I had to attend a meeting at work focusing on solution finding. Prior to work though, I managed to squeeze in a little swim of 1,875m. To get to work I took my 'ironman bike' which was great. Super speedy commute when compared to my slow cyclocross bike. On return commute, I popped in to see Russ and Alex and Kay-O was fitted with a new black saddle (otherwise identical to the demo one). A change of tubes and tyres and a new bottle cage (to fit new saddle) and I think bike is race ready. How exciting?! 
Friday was a non-training day. My morning was busy with taking the rug rats to nursery and then heading over to Coventry with Flair, H and G to attend a suicide prevention conference. With all the presentations my head hurt when it finished and my body refused to go out and run later that night.

I asked my daughter Lunar "what's daddy good at - running, swimming, cycling?" She replied "eating". Hmm.

Saturday was a full day at work. The day began with a quick run first though which was nice. I ran along the canal up to Smethwick before turning around and running back like an urban rat through the streets of Birmingham. It was nice to run through Summerfield Park - I had thoughts of walking my dog (Surfer Rosa) there when I used to work with Ladywood Home Treatment Team and visit a local respite unit. Those were the days... Ran just short of 12k in all. 

My week finished with a double-whammy! Nothing to shout about really. I started with a swim but only managed 60 (25m) lengths. The pool was crowded and as well as swallowing much water, I also suffered with cramps. After swimming, my legs were happy to run around the Studley TRIangle (see what I did there?) on a beautiful sunny day.

All in all, this was a rubbish week. Quite frustrated with how difficult it is to find time and energy to dedicate to my training. I did not swim long or far and found swimming itself a struggle. I did not cycle as far or as frequently as I would have liked. I have not ran long or far for nearly a month now and this really has to change as I have a Milton Keynes Marathon approaching real soon (let alone this crazy idea of an IronMan). Am sure you could all make me feel much better by simply sponsoring one of my chosen charities...

To support Macmillan, follow this link: Macmillan cancer support
To support Christadelphian Meal A Day, follow this link: MAD
To support Scope, follow this link: Scope

Thanks for all the support thus far. I will do my bit and try and increase my training times over the next week too. Oh man, only 18 weeks to go...

1 comment:

Can I kick's it?!

Didn’t challenge myself so much this week. The weather was cold and my motivation was poor. No running until the weekend, deciding instead t...