Sunday, 17 April 2016

Week 14 (Ironman Training; Tri-Go Duathlon; Madness)

Hi Folks, with like just 14 weeks to go to my impending Ironman Uk event, I thought I'd re-remind folk of what I'm trying to achieve and promote the charities I am supporting. Well, on the 17th July 2016 I hope to complete a triathlon event whereby I have to swim 2.4 miles in a lake, cycle a hilly 112 mile bike course and finish by running a marathon (26.2 miles). Oh, and my event has to be completed in 17 hours... Am hoping to complete said event to become an 'Ironman' and raise money for 4 different charities. Each of the charities I'm supporting are listed below. Please feel free to click on any link and help support any that appeal to you. Each donation really helps - not just the charity, it helps to motivate me too!

The first charity I'm supporting is Papyrus. Papyrus are a suicide prevention charity. Suicide is the biggest killer of young people - male and female - under 35 in the UK. With appropriate support and education, young suicide can be prevented.
Please support Papyrus by following this link: Help prevent young suicide.

The second charity I'm supporting is Macmillan. Cancer is so evil and I'm sure you all agree that this is a worthy charity. Please support Macmillan by following this link: Support Macmillan.
Third charity I'm supporting is the Christadelphian Meal-A-Day (CMaD) Fund. They work in Eastern Europe and Africa to help those in real need. They fund sustainable projects, like a borehole for example, which not only gives fresh drinking water to a community, it also gives that community the ability to grow crops, stop the spread of disease, hydrate their cattle, etc. About 97% of donations go directly to their projects. To support CMaD please follow this link: Support CMaD.
My final charity is Scope. Scope are a charity that aim to make this country a place where disabled folk have the same opportunities as everyone else. To support Scope please follow this link: Don't be a dope, support Scope.
So, how did this past week's training go for me, I hear you ask. Knackering to say the least! In fact, am so whacked, am hoping the pictures below tell my story.

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