Monday, 24 July 2017


Before the week began, Red Bull sent me goodies, freebies even! For being such a good boy and recording all my exercise data, I got awarded Red Bull. In a nice presentation box too. Bonus!
This (last) week was mostly based around cycling. Completed 3 work and back commutes. Cyled in sun, rain and wind! The sun shine was great, the rain was hard and wet and the wind was the head wind menace variety.
On Thursday, the TDF climbed over the Col de Vars and Col Izard - my buddy Chris and I had cycled over the same mountains last year. We were on fully laden bikes too! The TDF finished this week too with Froomey winning for a 4th time.
On the weekend, we celebrated my parents 50th wedding anniversary. 50 years, wow! God bless them both.  
Finished the week by pushing myself to go for a run. I had not ran in a while. Felt kinda nice. Oh, and a big shout out to Jonny Mitchum who has just completed his Iron Man distance event!
From ground zero! zero! hero! Well done mate!

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