Monday, 1 January 2018

Happy New Year (2018)

Happy New Year! I hope this year blows your socks off! Peace and love!

This year, I hope to complete the TransAtlantic Way - A race across Ireland (TAW) which I have blogged about a bit already. Essentially, this is a 2,500k un-supported bicycle race which means I have to train hard for the next 6 months and ideally lose some weight.
Started the year looking like this
My year has started okay but there is room for improvement. I start this year weighing 89.6 kg and with a BMI of 25.3, which is quite bizarre because that's how I ended 2017. I have started this year with a 8k run and hope to keep this going and add more k's by bicycle too. (This first run wasn't so great to be honest - had a pain in my right knee which caused me to run/walk. Let's hope this is nothing to worry about).

My goal for 2018 is clear - to complete TAW without getting scratched. How about my plans? Well, I have a training plan of sorts - basically progressively cycle longer and harder up until May and then start tapering ready for race day on June 7th.

I have other plans of various sorts and some are more important to me than others. Such plans include (in no particular order):
  • Cycle frequently, both solo and with my pals. Cycle on tandem at least bi-monthly with my blind and oldest (age-wise) buddy Roger. 
  • Complete a RRtY this season. This will involve cycling a 200k audax each month up until September.
  • (Maybe) complete an SR Series this season. (The 3 Coasts 600 is unfinished business).
  • Cycle 10,000k before end of year.
  • Complete XDP17 - failed attempt last year.
  • Wild camp.
  • Learn to become a tortoise whisperer.
  • Search the scriptures.
  • Attempt to complete a Park Run at least monthly.
  • Attempt to hold a plank daily up until TAW.
  • Collect and post motivational quotes to this blog.
  • Lose weight at least up until TAW.
  • Lift weights. Groan.
  • Run a 5k in 20 mins something. (A dream rather than a plan).
  • Be the best husband, lover, father, that I can.
January has only just begun and I have so many plans for this month already including the January Sale Audax (200k), tandem cycle with Roger, 200k perm, Lord Huron gig, Moo's birthday, Wild Camp, Jon E's b'day curry. Ooh, this year's gonna be great, I have a feeling in my waters...

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you and the family Tim. Keep blogging and training 🙂


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