Saturday, 3 July 2021

Brum 200 2021

Sometime back in June, I cycled a wonderful cycling event called the 'Brum 200'. I had cycled this event at least once before, however, previous time(s) were 'permanent' events as opposed to this 'calendar' event. Certainly remember cycling the event back in 2019 with Louy and Toll. Louy was super fast and Toll was super sick. The lovely yellow patch from completing that event is stitched to my saddle bag. I thought I had cycled it another time solo too but I'm struggling to recount any details. Hmm.  Anyways, this latest rendition was cycled with my buddy Ron and his niece Catalina. 

The event started (and finished) in Balsall Common. The trip was a circular route and visited Cannock Chase, Iron Bridge, Kinver and Balsall Common. Essentially keeping Birmingham in the centre and ensuring we stayed far away. Ha!

Covid had prevented this event running earlier - it was planned for 2020. A wonderful pink badge was awarded for completing the ride - this was to originally match the day the Giro was decided. I wonder if other colours will become available?!

High-lights from the day included the fact that Catalina's club mates got 'chicked'. These club mates set off fast and stated they would like to complete in '6-8' hours. They didn't, and Catalina beat them back easily (with Ron and I). The chips at Iron Bridge were lovely. It was a super hot today and cycling outside of rush hour was a bonus as little traffic hogged the roads. Was nice to meet the organiser, Paollo at the start. Was also great completing a 200k event on my new Kinesis steed.
Job Done!

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