Sunday, 26 September 2010

A ringing bell behind my smile ...

An awfull week on the cycling front. I cycled only 5 miles, and these miles were indoors! I managed to get hold of a Tacx indoor roller. This is basically a machine that allows one to ride their bike indoors, in the comfort of their own home. An incredible machine that allegedly improves fitness and pedal stroke. My fitness wasn't improved at all, after sweating incredible amounts and having only just started to perfect my balance, my rollers broke. The belt (rubber band) connecting the rollers together snapped. Great - end of training. Grr!

An excuse for not cycling much this week was the fact that I had a visit to the dentist who promptly removed 2 of my front teeth. Ouch. This left a nice 3 tooth gap at the front of my mouth. For those new to this blog, this tooth loss was necessary following a cycle accident last year that mashed up my face a little.

However, this tooth removal wasn't so bad. The dentist removed 2 teeth but added 3! Bonus! I don't remember the last time I had a full set of straight teeth. My teeth are only temporary, I have a plate at present, but over the next 8 months I will hopefully have implants fitted.
Hope to start cycling a little more this next week. Hopefully, Wiggle will send me a replacement band for the rollers. On saturday next I should be meeting up with the LEJOG 2010 boys for a re-union and 100k audax in Bristol. Will be great to meet my cycling comrades again and share some stories. Oh, at this time of blogging, the LEJOG 2010 group have raised £6,478.04 for our charity, which is just awesome. Many thanks again to all those that have sponsored, and if you are still wanting to, then please visit here:

Weekly totals: Cycled 5 miles.


  1. Shame I'm busy this Sat - it's the Cheddar Audax I presume?
    Keep posting your rides & I'll try & join you at one
    Got Feb 19 2011 (Snowdrop audax) in my diary
    one on Nov 7th in Nottingham 65m

  2. Lejog going on now 3 BLOGS - – and extra DA event lucky buggers but crap weather!


Can I kick's it?!

Didn’t challenge myself so much this week. The weather was cold and my motivation was poor. No running until the weekend, deciding instead t...