Sunday, 18 July 2010

Hunting for hills

An easy week following last week's audax. Easy or lazy? Maybe both...

Did not cycle until mid-week and only cycled on 3 occasions. The first 2 treks were my familiar Henley loop. The last trek was a little more interesting. I started out on the TROAD route but decided I would miss out Cobley hill and go looking for Callow hill which I thought was in Alvechurch. Found Alvechurch and started to follow Callow Hill Road but this led to Coopers hill and not Callow hill. I continued to follow this road, which was a pretty country lane which undulated and passed through stones bridges. The road didn't lead to Callow hill, it led to a T-junction. I turned left and headed for Redditch, and by chance as I passed Morton Stanley Park on my return home I passed a sign which read 'Callow Hill'. I will hunt for this hill next week and conquer it!

Am commited to cycling LEJOG again this year. Purchased my train ticket to Penzance. My LEJOG trip will start 28 August 2010, all being well. Am cycling with a small group (8 of us in total) and we are all raising money for a project called 'happy's', who are in need of wheelchairs. Am not too sure about what Happy's project is but I believe it's in Africa and they help children with disability. I will blog more about Happy's and hopefully add links should they become available. Fell out with Halfords in Redditch, but hope to pick up a new commuter type bike from Stratford this week.

Weekly totals: Cycled 58 miles.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Tim,

    Please contact me...I can't seem to get hold of you.


Can I kick's it?!

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