Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Please sponsor my next challenge

On Aug 28 till Sept 5, myself and 8 friends are planning on cycling nearly 1,000 miles in just 9 days, from Land's End to John O'Groats. This is a sponsored cycle for 'Help4Happy's', a group who raise money for a disabled children's school in South Africa.Many of the children in the school have been orphaned at a young age and at often times this is due to the culture in African countries where a physical disability is sometimes seen as a curse.

My friends and I aim to raise money to enable 'Help4Happy's' to purchase around 32 wheelchairs that are desperately needed for these children. Your help in sponsoring 'Help4Happy's' in any way possible would be awesome.


  1. According to that photo you have lovely legs Doo! Worth sponsoring you just for that!

  2. Hahaha, thanks Nigel! :)


Today’s episode of challenge menace has been brought to you by the letter Y and the numbers 10 and 60

This was a great week on the activity and adventure scale. Big numbers were hit. Lots of fun was had. Right at the start of the week, my dau...