A kind of funny week. No mass participation cycling. No foreign speaking folk encountered. No long quiet traffic free roads. And, not a mountain in sight. Yeah, back in the UK with post challenge blues.
Have not been on my road bike since Geneva - indeed poor Cayo still needs putting back together. However, have taken Scotty out on 2 trips this week. Went out with Ron on the first trip and we did a lot of off road cycling through 'naughty' woods and paths. This was a pretty awesome trek and we found a super off road down hill section not too far from Studley Castle. My second run was a solo trek and was similar to the fast, only I added a whole bunch more miles around fields in Astwood Bank. Crops are growing high right about now and as I passed a certain crop field a deer jumped out in front of me, about 3 feet ahead! My legs have suffered following these 2 rides, not with muscle ache but with seriously lots of nettle stings.
Took a run this week too. My first run in a long time. Ran the familiar extended Studley Triangle. I forgot how tiring running was.
Tour de France started yesterday which is awesome. I hope this proves to be inspirational and motivational for me. I have a huge challenge planned for next week - my first 300k audax! Plans are coming along nicely for my planned LEJOG 2010 trip too. There is a chance I will invest in a commuter type bike this week which would hopefully help me clock up miles by cycling to work (the Specialized needs to retire).
Weekly totals: Cycled a distance of 37 miles; Ran for 40 mins.
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