Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Reasons for and against such a challenge..

There are many reasons not to do this challenge, including the usual 'will I be fit enough?', 'have I trained enough?' and the fact that my diet has consistently remained quite poor. However, the major reason not to do this challenge, is the fact that I have trouble staying on a bike ....

Back in 1991 I had a Road Traffic Accident which resulted in a 10 day stay in hospital, much dentistry and scarring to my brain.

A few years later and another trip to A & E was required following a jump on my mountain bike.

And we already know about the fall in October 2009. Still, I'm able to smile ...

Despite having reason enough not to take part in any further challenges, there are valid reasons to do this. Such reasons would include all the well known health benefits from cycling, plus the fact it would be a lot of fun. The LEJOG trip proved to be awesome and by cycling through France and into Switzerland I would be reaching personal goals of vsiting countries that are currently still foreign to me and seeing such landmarks as the Eiffel Tower. The greatest reason for doing this challenge however, is the fact that it enables me to raise money for the Christadelphian Meal-a-Day (CMaD) Fund.

The CMaD is a registered charity whose mission is to share their blessings with those who have need in the less developed parts of the world. For more information please visit http://www.meal-a-day.org/

Oh, and please sponsor me by visiting my 'Just Giving' page which can be found here: www.justgiving.com/london2somewhere2010

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