Sunday, 9 March 2025


SJ getting ready for adventure

The last couple of weeks have been fun and various forms of short exercise was completed. There was really little to shout about though. That was until the tail part of this week, when SJ and I searched for adventure in the Peak District.

The first place of beauty that SJ and I visited was Millers Dale, which is a valley on the River Wye in Derbyshire. We started walking along a stretch of the Monsal Trail, through some tunnels, before turning off and heading into Chee Dale. We soon found the lovely stepping stones we were looking for.

Returned to the trail and stopped at the top of a disused lime kiln for a spot of lunch. SJ had made these cheese, tuna and cucumber sarnies using Bruno rolls. Delicious! Better yet was the flap jacks and samosa. 

The afternoon was spent following the trail in the opposing direction before turning off route again and this time heading towards Priest Cliffe. This was an up hill scramble that awarded the sense of sight with wonderful views and the sense of smell with some seriously awful sheep poo! Challenging descent which eventually led back to out start point. Climbers could be seen scaling a rock face - we were pleased to have our feet firmly on the ground.

Day 2 started the way any adventure should - with a full English breakfast whilst looking at awesome views. We were staying at the Sir William Hotel and the food was awesome. As well as a Western menu they also had an Indonesian menu too. 

Western breakfast was yummy. Each evening and we would choose from the Indonesian menu. So awesome was the curry, SJ had it 2 nights running!

Todays adventure took us to Bamford Edge in the Hope Valley. This edge is an overhang of gritstone rock that sticks out north of the village of Bamford. Spectacular. As we scrambled our way to the summit, we encountered a large blue duffel bag which I just couldn’t resist opening. Inside was a (presumably) abandoned Halfords sleeping bag and tent. This really would make an awesome camp spot.

The rocks at the top were beautiful and reminded me of New Zealand’s pancake rocks. The edge and overhang were just mind blowing. We both got the heebie-jeebies as we stepped nearer and oh man, my stomach just felt weird sitting on the ledge. 

Continuing our trek and the weather improved with each step. Jonny, a random runner (and nurse) stopped for a quick chat and asked us to take photo’s of him on the edge. He took the picture of us both with the reservoir in the background. 

In the afternoon we had a slightly less challenging set of walks in and around the National Trust Longshaw Estate. We followed blue and pink walks that allowed us to see some spectacular views whilst walking through ancient woods, meadows, parkland and heather moorland. The streams and waterfalls were truly majestic.

Our final day in the Peak District saw me complete my 81st ParkRun. This was the Monsal Trail ParkRun which I completed in 27:02 and finished 78/186. This was a simple out and back run on an old disused rail line, however, there was a descent on the way out and an incline on the return.

After ParkRun we figured we would head back home. Only 10 minutes into a journey home and I spotted an outdoor camping type shop. We stopped and both ended up with new walking shoes. The shop assistant put further thoughts of adventure in our headspace too and before we knew it we had decided on further activity in Castleton. 

SJ's butt on route to Hollins Cross and Mam Tor
Reached Castleton and was spoilt for choices. I figured we could go and check out the castle (ruin), however, English Heritage entry fee’s were extortionate and I wasn’t prepared to pay after shelling out on our new boots. We decided we walk up to Hollins Cross instead. This was a steep walk and it was hard to believe that this took us to the lowest point on the ridge. 

After reaching Hollins Cross we ventured further and reached the summit of Mam Tor. Being a Tor, I figured we had climbed a mountain (felt like it), however, we had not. We had climbed 1,696 feet though up a hill known as ‘mother hill’. After a quick Google, I note that this hill is also known as ‘shivering mountain’. 🤔 

We took a slightly less challenging descent back down. At the base we saw a pond teaming with toads (not dissimilar to the Tregaron Mountain variety), which was real pretty. Quickly shuffled past a sign welcoming us to the Devil’s Arse before taking a picture of the castle we didn’t visit. Peveril Castle was a keep built in 1176 by Henry II and now lies in a state of ruin. Ended our adventure with a light meal before heading home.

Oh, for more adventure. And we all know, adventure awaits...

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Jam Packed

Those that follow my Instagram will know (cheers Jamie)
Half term week proved mighty fine on the adventure front. It's always nice being away from work. Each day was filled with fun!

Moo, Doo, Spoon and SJ

The week started with a short run followed by a scramble with the wife and kids to get to the airport. We flew from Birmingham to Edinburgh for some Scottish adventure. The flight only took about an hour before we reached our destination.

Edinburgh was really pretty and it was lovely to show our kids this city. Despite the many steps and the Royal Mile being over distance, everything was easy to get to. I'd be happy to visit again.

Each morning in Scotland, we would start our day with a pool swim before we went in search of breakfast. The kids became acquainted to Irn Bru on our first breakfast and loved this orange nectar. This liquid provided ample energy to look around the beautiful Edinburgh Castle.

Later, same day, we went to visit a nearby museum. This was really impressive and was free to enter. The museum contained loads of weird and wonderful things and had like 7 floors to explore.

Each evening in Scotland, we would go out scouting for somewhere nice to eat. We found this lovely Vietnamese restaurant, which was so nice, we visited 2 nights in a row! Great sights, great food, great fun!

Whilst in Scotland, we also visited the Royal Yacht Britannia. This was dubbed as the UK's best attraction. I thought the free museum was much better to be honest and this visit to the 'Queens boat' cost us £50 just in entry fee's. 
It was interesting to see how small the Queens bed was and how compact all the soldiers and crew would have been - triple bunks in some cases. I think the Royal's must love their alcohol - there was a lot of bars on this vessel. Felt quite posh eating scones in the tea room.
Really enjoyed my mini break in Scotland with my family. Already looking forward to the next family adventure - whatever that may be. Despite the Scottish adventure coming to an end, my adventuring continued. On the same day we arrived back home, I decided to go for a solo wild camp in the Uppy-Downey woods.
Despite this being a solo camp, I had a lot of visitors. My visitors included several bats, deer, a phantom, a strange unidentified dog looking thing, and various birds. This was a relatively sleepless night in the Uppy-Downey woods. On my cycle home in the morning, I spotted what looked like a Tregaron mountain toad. 
Snowdrops (pic taken by Phil B)
Clive, Michiel, Rob, Carina, Doo, Meekon, Phantom, Jamie and K
The week was not over and more adventuring was to be had. Saturday saw me complete the Snowdrop Express Audax for the umpteenth time (am guessing something like my 17th?). This was the first audax event that I ever completed and the event that I have completed most times. This annual event is 'the' event that I feel compelled to complete each year. Loads of my buddies cycled this time around too and these included Clive, Michiel, Rob, Phantom, Meekon, Red, Jamie, K, Phil B, John Glover, Andy P and Carina. Mitchum was due to join us all but was unable to rise from his bed due to being intoxicated the night before. Had hoped Mr Odge could join too - he had more valid reasons for not rocking up!
Clive, Kim, Ma, Aunty Chris, Janine, Andy, Doo and Pa
Was nice to see my parents, Kim and other family members at the second control and introduce Clive. Am pleased Clive was able to complete this event and meet my wife and kids following. Clive's cycle was screeching like crazy as his bottom bracket had some major issues. About 5k from the finish, we celebrated with a little drinky-poo before completing proper! 
Ben, Spoon, SJ, Moo, Doo, Linda, Rod dog, Ma (and a bit of Kim and Aunty Chris)
Talking of celebrations... Well, it wasn't a celebration as such but we had a little get together  on Saturday night at my parents to say 'goodbye' to my nephew Ben. Ben's off to Estonia for 6 months with the army. Well wishes Ben!

After a jam packed week of adventuring, Sunday was a day of rest. My get up and go had got up and gone...


SJ getting ready for adventure The last couple of weeks have been fun and various forms of short exercise was completed. There was really li...