Sunday, 14 July 2013

No need to panic!

All my training this week was on my single-speed bike 'Florence'. My road bike 'Slinky' continues to reside in a local bike shop, patiently awaiting a rear wheel delivery from Dave Hinde cycles. Dave Hinde assured the wheel would take 7-10 days but at time of writing has been 12 days already. Is only 2 weeks before my LEL adventure begins and would like to ride Slinky a few times to ensure that all her tweaked bits and pieces bed in nicely before the epic adventure of LEL begins. I believe it is next week that MadeGood folk will interview me for pre-ride purposes. (Deep breaths, no panic).

Ok, back to my training. I cycled a series of 6 relatively short rides throughout the week. The last ride was on the hottest day this year (thus far)! All my GPX tracks are presented below.
Out and back to Earlswood Lakes 37k
Another trip to Earlswood Lakes 49k
Yet another trip to Earlswood Lakes 65k
'BG SR 3' 47K
Loop the loop 'round Ragley Hall 96k
Hot ride to the Old Folks Home 68k
Fell short of my 400k cycling target this week but managed to cycle 362k. Maybe I shouldn't be too hard on myself - all my rides were on a single-speed machine. My total distance this year now stands at 6,751k.

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