Thursday, 2 January 2020

So long, farewell 2019. Let's hope 2020 is a year of plenty!


Wow, we've made it to the year 2020. I do hope this year proves to be awesome for everyone reading my blog. Here's to hoping you have a year of amazing adventure.
I have lots of hopes, dreams and goals for this year and I'm happy to share these with you all. Maybe some of you will join me on my adventures? Maybe not? Let's take a look at last years adventure and see if you think I've lost the plot..

My goals for 2019 were as follows (with comments added in blue):

  • Cycle frequently. Cycle with buddies and solo. Commute by bicycle. Completed this goal.
  • Cycle 10,000k before end of year. Was nearly 2,000k short of this goal. Managed to complete a mere 8,034k.
  • Wild Camp. In fact, attempt to bivvy-a-month (BAM). Woo Hoo! Had so much fun completing this challenge.
  • Search the Scriptures more thoroughly than last year. Add interesting quotes/thoughts to my blog. Only partially completed this goal. 
  • Run more Park Runs. Try a Park Run I have never ran before. Run a Park Run with my wife.  Not sure when it became a challenge, but I did challenge myself to complete a ParkRun each month for the 12 months of the year. I dubbed this challenge 'PAM' (ParkRun a month), however, many commented that it should have been called PRAM. This challenge was completed, however, I didn't have my barcode with me on my final run and heard the words 'no barcode, no result'. Hmmm.
  • Run 500k before end of year. Close but no cigar as they say. I managed to run 484k in total.
  • Complete the Fort William 1000 audax (my 'big' event for 2019). Cycled this event but did not finish. In my opinion, this was a poor event. I cycled 2 shorter events, namely the Giants Tooth (500k) and Moonrakers and Sunseekers (300k) which were amazing events and more than made up for the Fort William 1000.
  • Eat less, drink less, adventure more. I think I ate more, drank more and adventured enough. I'm not gonna check my weight this year.
  • Be the best lover, husband, father that I can. Well, I'm still in love. Still married. Got a crazy couple of kids.
I like to reflect on my records at the end/beginning of a year and presented below is a list of my annual cycling and running distances (km, followed by miles in brackets). Some of my 'big events' are high-lighted in red and may take you there should you click (as it's a link).

2009 - 5,086 (3,160) LEJOG 2009
2011 - 8,378 (5,207)   PBP 2011
2012 - 6,935 (4,309)

2013 - 12,498 (7,766) LEL 2013

2014 - 9,253 (5,750)
2015 - 5,531 (3,436) and Ran 1,170 (727)
2016 - 6,515 (4,048) and Ran 1,204 (748) Iron Man (Bolton) 2016/TNR 2016
2017 - 8,940 (5,555) and Ran 514 (319)
2018 - 10,958 (6,809) and Ran 417 (259) TransAtlantic Way Race 2018
2019 - 8,034 (4,992) and Ran 484 (301) Bivy-A-Month 2019

My greatest achievement of 2019 was completing the Bivy-A-Month (BAM) challenge. Below is a series of photo's taken for each of the months. The series of photo's ends with my well earned roundel.

January 2019 - Rob Dog's cooker now a thing of the past
February 2019 - Lovely dip in which to kip. How we danced before the moon...
March 2019 - solo camp in a church porch
April 2019 - In the Harry Potter tarp!
May 2019
June 2019
July 2019 - Fried breakfast is always aces in the wild outdoors
Aug 2019 - Trying out the new Helium Bivy
Sept 2019 - 6 camping out!
October 2019 - camping far away from home
November 2019 - Best camp spot to date (IMO)
Dec 2019 - challenge complete!
Can now wear this badge with pride :)
I ended 2019 by cycling a permanent audax event - the Brum 200. Had cycled this event before with Louy B and Toll, however, this time around was a solo affair. Started the New Year by running Straford-Upon-Avon ParkRun. Completing both these events helped me create my goals for 2020 which are as follows:

  • Bivvy-A-Month for as long as I can. I have completed the challenge, just need to see how long I can keep this going for. 
  • ParkRun-A-Month. I will dub this new challenge 'PRAM' and have completed the first month already. This was a slow run, after cycling 200k the day before and drinking too much whisky to let the new year in. My time was 28:51 and I finished 425/721. It was so congested there was lots of stopping and starting.
  • Complete the TransAlba Race. This is my 'big event' for 2020. This is essentially a self-supported cycling ride around Scotland which covers over 1,000 miles and has 50,000 plus metres of climbing. I've entered this as a pair (of idiots) - Mr McLeod will be cycling this with me.
  • Complete another Randonneur Round the Year (RRTY). This is a cycling challenge that requires a BR or BRM (audax language) event to be ridden in each of 12 successive calendar months. This can be started in any month, but a month can't be missed. I've got a head start on this as I have already cycled a 200k event each month since November. I have completed this challenge 4 times previously, however, there is a social reward for RRtY X 5.
I'm not going to challenge myself to be a better person. I do, however, hope I can be the best person I can. I know what is required of me - 'only to do justly, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with thy God' (Micah 6:8).

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