Friday, 15 January 2010

Asics, Dorothy and Scotty

Lots of snow at the beginning of the week. This was great because Cody and I have quite taken to running in this awesome white substance. We ran the fields of Studley on 3 consecutive days, only for 15 mins at a time, but still, we ran. Folk sometimes ask what shoes I run in, so here is a pic of my current 'kicks'. For each of my 'snow runs' I have been using these 'Asics gel trail sensor 2' shoes. I also have a pair of 'Asics gel nimbus 11' shoes which are probably better suited for running on tarmac. They would be no good in the snow because they are not made of gore-tex.

Mid-week when Cody and I were walking the snow covered fields of Studley, she made a discovery. Cody's initial find was a snow man and she started to perform a funny dance around it. It was quite amusing, until I realised that she had actually found something else. Buried under this snow man (which was in the middle of the field, a good distance from the river) was a duck. An adult duck, looking a bit worse for wear and sporting a frozen beak. There were no other ducks about and this one was obviously in need of some attention. I affectionately named the duck 'Dorothy' and took her home. Once home I wrapped Cody's hot water bottle in a tea towel (a christmas present from my ma) and placed it in a cycle shoe box. Dorothy was lifted into the box next, then ripped up pages of cycling weekly magazine packaged her in, in an attempt to keep her warm. I contacted the vet, who wasn't the most helpful, but provided me with a telephone no. for Vale Wildlife Rescue. The folk at Vale Wildlife Rescue said they could look after Dorothy, but I would have to take her there. My dad kindly agreed to take Dorothy and I to said rescue centre. The chap at the centre informed me that Dorothy was a mallard - a male duck! I don't think Dorothy minded having a mistaken gender, as her chances of survival were now improved somewhat and 'he' was going to be given fluids and much TLC. The chap at the rescue centre gave me a reference no. for Dorothy so that I could ring back and check on his fate. I made a call on friday and was told that 'the vet has done a thorough assessment ... he (the duck not the vet!) was attacked by something, he has bite wounds on his back and a fractured leg ... he is taking fluids ... if he makes it he'll have a limp'. Dorothy appears to be making progress. I may make another call next week and report progress (or otherwise) on this blog.

Following my adventure with Dorothy, I undertook some research. I was enlightened to discover that ducks 'have an opening called a cloaca that acts for both reproduction and excretion'. The definition of an egg is 'a duck in a shell suit'. (Joke courtesy of my mother).

I was hoping to pick up my new bike on monday, but it hadn't been delivered to bike shop because of the severe weather conditions (ie snow). This was probably a blessing given my past and recent history of cycle mis-haps. However, my lovely new dream machine arrived today! Woo hoo! I am now the proud owner of a Scott Scale 20 hardtail! I cycled my bike home from the bike shop and sure enough she's awesome. Because I am so original, I have named my new bike 'Scotty'. Scotty and I are going to have lots of fun together! Ron, Jon and I are planning to take Scottie on the 'TROAD' route tomorrow, but I couldn't wait that long, so did a blast of the 'deer route' tonight. The route was scarey in places as it was very foggy, incredibly flooded and there was menace ice in places. Wonder if the weekend will be as eventfull as the week thus far?!

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