Sunday, 30 May 2010

De-railed (again)

Grr! What started as a promising week, ended with me feeling ill again. Thought I was back on track initially, then a stomach bug and the associated squits kicked in.
Monday was a good day on the cycling front. Took the specialized for a trip from work to home. Was not a good day to be a cat - passed 2 victims of road kill that day. Later that same evening, Ron and I took the road bikes out and cycled 'Rons 1 hour loop', which took just over an hour but we were animal spotting. We spotted 3 ginger cats, 2 moles (the 1 of which Ron helped back to safety as he was struggling to climb the kerb and get back to his field) and a big fat super sized hornet! The following day cycled my road bike back into work, and sadly she remains there still. That was the end of my cycling efforts this week.

Ran only once this week. This was just a usual run over the Studley corn fields with Cody. Hmmm.

I did ok on my triathlon with no major training. Let's hope the same magic kicks in when I start this London to Geneva challenge. Grrr, is only a few weeks away now.

Weekly totals: Cycled 58 miles; Ran for 30 mins.

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