Thursday, 9 June 2011

Down to the well!

Hi to everybody reading this blog. If you have been following my blog you will know that I am planning to complete the 2011 PBP 1200k cycle event, that starts on 21 August. You will also be aware that I plan to raise money for the 'Agape in Action' (AinA) charity by cycling this event. AinA have kindly set up my fund raising page and it is live now, so please, please, please sponsor me by following the link at the end of this blog.

I am raising money so that a well can be put in at a Agape in Action High School currently being constructed in Western Kenya. 100% of all donations will go directly to building the well. "Tim's Well" (as AinA have kindly named it) will provide clean drinking water for the 280 students at the school, for 40 teenagers residing in 'Kimbilio' (a nearby Agape in Action shelter) and for the entire surrounding community. Please donate to this great cause by following the link at the end of this blog.

At time of writing this entry, I am in South Africa, Durban, and have seen how sponsor money has had a huge impact on a disabled school. I have been visiting Happy's School where money from a previous sponsored event enabled a number of wheelchairs to be purchased and greatly improve the lives of the pupils. Please show a bit of agape (love) and help enable water to reach this community in Kenya.

Please sponsor me here:

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