Sunday, 6 September 2015

Goodbye garage, hello blue sky

Monday: I am a fair-weather runner. Today the foul-weather fairies were out. No running took place.

Tuesday: Runner's World (Oct 2015) stated 'If you want to slow the ageing process, keep running'. The magazine went on to report on research that demonstrated regular endurance exercise preserved telomere length, which was 'associated with a delayed onset of age-associated diseases and an increased life span'. Telomeres are essentially protein structures in cells that protect our DNA. With all this information floating in my head, I ran. I didn't run because I wanted to slow the ageing process, I ran because I've got this up-and-coming marathon nonsense to run. However, on the subject of 'age' and 'life', I think it's important to remind folk that I'm running my marathon with the plan to raise monies for Papyrus and raise awareness of suicide and suicide prevention. It's World Suicide Prevention day on 10th September - I'm sure it would be a good idea to sponsor me with that in mind. Anyways, back to my run. I ran interval style following the formula: 10 mins warm up; 10 x 400m run (with 400m recovery); cool down to finish. That was a good run. Enough said.
I could have (should have) gone open water swimming tonight but it didn't happen. No real suitable excuse. I really should have been more motivated, especially because I have gotten myself a place in IronMan Uk next year. Shh! My journey begins....

Wednesday: Bicycle commute. Just under 60k. Felt nice to be on a bike - was beginning to get withdrawal symptoms.

Thursday: Nice 11k run. Raced a 1k section but my pace was naff. My route is presented below.
Friday: Rest day.

Saturday: Another rest day. Had wanted to run today and even laced my shoes but stuff got in the way. No run today.

Sunday: Last run of the week was my long run. 16.3k in fact. Struggled to fit this run in, but hey, just about found a gap to squeeze it in. My route is presented below.

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