Sunday, 10 July 2016

Week 2 - Tim Tom Taylor's Time To Taper (Oh, what a caper)

Support Suicide Prevention
Doo something Completely MAD and support CMAD
Cancer doo one!
Don't be a dope, support SCOPE

This week began with a real funny feeling knowing that only 2 weeks separated me from my Ironman event. Had I trained long enough? Had I trained hard enough? No time to think things through now, now was the time to taper!


First swim was great. I took my daughter Lunar and my mother to Ragley Lake so they could see me swim. Swam about 2,100m and it was great knowing that Lunar would be excited to watch this year (as she was a trifle upset last year). Lunar even commented she wanted to put her costume on and swim in the lake. My second swim was pool based. Swam 1,900m and bumped into Louy Beasley who swim's super fast and is really looking forward to her Iron(wo)man. Swam for about 2 hours which was my target.

Did not get on a bicycle until Friday. The was largely because I was working so hard and my commute bike was being serviced. My first cycle was a quick 50k spin on my Ironman bike. The gears were not shifting quite perfect anymore but I didn't want to risk setting them better and really mashing things up so close to my event. 'Good enough' will have to do. My second cycle was with my buddy Ron (who I hadn't cycled with for way too long) which was nice. We took a leisurely spin in perfect weather. Finished the week by cling 3 times on the Sunday - I cycled to the pool, back from the pool and once indoors on the turbo trainer. Cycled for about 5 and a half hours which was my plan.
My first training session was a 10k commute run to work. I ran this commute (with slight variations) 3 times throughout the week just because it was easy to do so. My commute bike was being serviced too and I didn't fancy taking slightly more expensive bikes into the centre of Birmingham. My final run was on Sunday, just a short 3k run to ensure I reached my running target of 3 and a half hours.

An almost perfect week of training. 1 week to go. In fact, just maybe, this time next week I just might be an Ironman...

Support Suicide Prevention
Doo something Completely MAD and support CMAD
Cancer doo one!

Don't be a dope, support SCOPE

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