Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Plans, Training and A & E.

My training to date is easy to recall, I have done zilch, nothing, nowt! Well, that's not quite a 100% accurate. I should have done zilch ... Indeed, I made another trip to the hospital today and got x-rayed yet again (soon I will glow), and the Dr said I should stay off my bike for another 2 big fat weeks! The Dr did have good news though - he said I could take my splint off for periods of time now. I didn't inform the Dr that I had been out yesterday (and the previous week) and cycled a 16 mile loop...
Despite being away from my bike, I have not been away from my computer. And being sat at my computer has led to me signing up for quite a few events already. I will provide details of each below:
19 Dec 2009 The Epic Cycles Winter Warmer. This is a 'mini-sportive', a picturesque 40-45 mile route. I really hope to complete this, as it will be my first ever sportive (mini at that). The Dr doesn't want me back on my bike till 15 Dec and the event is only 4 days after that which doesn't give me long to train... Hartley, a fellow LEJOGer may attend this event and it would be good to catch up.

6 Feb 2010 The Snowdrop Express Audax. This is a 123k affair around Worcestershire. I am really looking forward to this, as this will be my first audax event. Better yet, Clive the Dr (fellow LEJOGer) and Ron & Jon (guys from an un-official mtb club I attend) are signed up for this too! Hartley and Stu (the other un-official mtb club member) are possibly going to enter also. In fact, I believe Ron is attempting to round up a number of folk that I know.

27 March 2010 TriLive Duathlon. This will be my second duathlon and consists of a 2.5k run, followed by a 20k cycle and finished off with a 5k run. I don't remember the last time I ran, and my 'paralysis of will' is preventing me from running at present. I've just purchased a new ipod shuffle and custom made running shirt (advertising my charity) to help with motivation...

9 May 2010 Stratford 220 Triathlon. This will be my first triathlon. It consists of a 400m swim, followed by a 23k cycle and finished off with a 5k run. This will certainly be challenging, as I haven't ran in a while, am 'not allowed' to use my bike and swim like a brick. Luckily, this event seems an age away and I purchased a 'Reddicard' last week which means I can get a discount (some sessions free) at Redditch swiming pools and have indeed been for a swim on a few occasions this past couple of weeks. The pool closes for Christmas on the 14 Dec though, and I'm back to work on the 16 Dec...

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Today’s episode of challenge menace has been brought to you by the letter K and the numbers 12 and 82

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