Sunday, 13 November 2016

Falls, aches, pains, sickness, pants...

Monday was a cold, cold day. No major worries, I had taken precautions ready for my work cycle commute. My feet were kitted out in thick woolly socks and I was wearing my neoprene winter gloves for the first time. Some say '13 is an un-lucky number', well, I'm not superstitious but after 13k I hit a patch of ice and crash, bang, wallop - I came of my bike. Obviously didn't take precautions enough! My usual mantra is 'clocks change, change tyres'. I hadn't changed my bike tyres over despite it being on my list of things to do. My winter tyres would have prevented this for sure. No real damage was suffered, just some more scuffing to my bar tape. I cycled slower from here on and my toes were a little chilly. Maybe my shoes needed some covers?! Oh, the neoprene gloves kept my hands warm enough but they were sweaty once I had taken them off. Neoprene gloves may be a menace on an audax type ride where they are put on and off a number of times.

As menace as Monday was, that was the last of my training for the week. No running, no cycling and no much looked forward to wild camping. My daughter Lunar got sick (was sick) and then passed the bugs to me and the rest of my family. Add to this cold and flu symptoms (despite having flu jab) and then a pulled back muscle and you get a rather pathetic week.

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