Sunday, 14 March 2010

John Wayne

A good week in the end. Not much in the way of training sessions, but another amazing audax under my belt. This cycling thing is becoming addictive. Plans of LEJOG 2010 are coming together with provisional start date set for 28th August. Am also toying with the idea of a 400km audax in 2011 (the Peak Audax Llanfair 400) where the ride begins in Poynton and we'd have 26 hours and 40 mins to cycle to Holyhead and back. I wonder if I could convince the likes of Ron, John, Stu, and our associated friends and the LEJOG 2009 boys to take part ...

Weekly totals: Did not swim; Cycled 152 miles; Ran for 1 hour and 15 mins; Did not skip.

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