Saturday, 27 March 2010

Tri Live Duathlon

Today I competed in a new and unique event - the Tri Live Duathlon. This run-bike-run duathlon was considered to be a good forerunner for my first planned triathlon event later this year, as I experienced two thirds of the triathlon challenge but kept perfectly dry! The running parts of this duathlon looped around the lake and grounds of the NEC. The cycle part headed out of the NEC onto a quiet dual carriageway. Both courses were relatively flat and fast.

Before the race began, each competitor was given their race numbers. My number was 231. These race numbers had to be pinned to front and back of my jersey, and securely attached to bike and bike helmet. Once attached I was able to take my bike into the transition area. The transition area was awesome - it was indoors and relieved my fears of getting wet cycling shoes should the heavens open. Once bike was racked, I just had to wait for my start time. Each competitor started 20 seconds apart.

At 12:16:40 I was off for the first part of the duathlon - a 2.5k run. The weather was nice as I ran (mainly on a tarmac footpath). The stewards and marshals were all shouting words of encouragement which was nice. The only real menace was dodging random folk walking around the lake area and feeling slightly perplexed as 2 guys who started after me swiftly overtook me... Once this run was completed, I filtered through to the cycle transition area and collected my bike ready for the cycle section of the race.

In this transition area, I remembered to place my bike at the end of the rack so I would have no problem locating it. This was a good plan and I was able to change into my cycling gear (shoes and helmet, had ran with gloves and buff on already) relatively quickly. Took my bike to the cycle mount line and I was off for the cycle section of the race. My cycling is way better than my running - I caught up and passed a great number of cyclists during this 20k (in 6 laps) cycle section. Only 1 other cyclist passed me. The course wasn't very interesting really, no hills and no wonderfull scenery. On the contrary, it was just road, that had way too many right turns for my likeing and I had to count each of the 6 laps myself (which is quite daunting when one is going super zoomy). Strong head winds at times but this section seemed to complete quickly. (I wish this race had 2 bike sections and only 1 run). Back into the transition area and a quick change back into my running shoes. Gupled down a cup of Gatorade isotonic sports drink and I was off running again, this time a 5k run (2 laps of run I did earlier). This was hard going. The sun was shining bright, my legs didn't want to work but the shouts and cheers from the marshals pushed me on. 1 guy overtook me here, during the second lap and a marshal shouted 'overtake him 231', so I gave it my all and caught this guy, overtook him and sprinted to the finish. The finish took me through an inflatable finish gantry and back indoors to lots of cheering and shouting. Woohoo, job done!

I was pleased with my results overall. A total of 119 participants took part, 36 women and 83 men. The results were split into male and female categories. I came 39th out of 83, with a total time of 1 hour, 14 mins and 11 seconds.

Results: Run 1 (2.5k) 13:28; Bike (20k) 32:50; Run 2 (5k) 27:53. Total 1:14:11

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Today’s episode of challenge menace has been brought to you by the letter K and the numbers 12 and 82

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