Before the race began, each competitor was given their race numbers. My number was 231. These race numbers had to be pinned to front and back of my jersey, and securely attached to bike and bike helmet. Once attached I was able to take my bike into the transition area. The transition area was awesome - it was indoors and relieved my fears of getting wet cycling shoes should the heavens open. Once bike was racked, I just had to wait for my start time. Each competitor started 20 seconds apart.
At 12:16:40 I was off for the first part of the duathlon - a 2.5k run. The weather was nice as I ran (mainly on a tarmac footpath). The stewards and marshals were all shouting words of encouragement which was nice. The only real menace was dodging random folk walking around the lake area and feeling slightly perplexed as 2 guys who started after me swiftly overtook me... Once this run was completed, I filtered through to the cycle transition area and collected my bike ready for the cycle section of the race.

I was pleased with my results overall. A total of 119 participants took part, 36 women and 83 men. The results were split into male and female categories. I came 39th out of 83, with a total time of 1 hour, 14 mins and 11 seconds.
Results: Run 1 (2.5k) 13:28; Bike (20k) 32:50; Run 2 (5k) 27:53. Total 1:14:11
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